Elections Public Policy and Administration Reforming ParliamemtScotland eyes a youthquake with online voting: here are some tips from past pilots Jan 2, 2018 AdminComment on Scotland eyes a youthquake with online voting: here are some tips from past pilots One achievement for 2017, as the year comes to an end, is that it has
Critical Global Politics Terrorism Uncategorized‘Counter-terrorism policies play an important role in shaping a national identity narrative’: Conversation with Lee Jarvis Dec 8, 2017 AdminComment on ‘Counter-terrorism policies play an important role in shaping a national identity narrative’: Conversation with Lee Jarvis This article is published in collaboration with the international Violence and Exiting Violence Platform (FMSH).
Critical Global Politics Political Leaders US PoliticsThe Trump Guide to Digging Yourself Out of a Hole Oct 27, 2017 AdminComment on The Trump Guide to Digging Yourself Out of a Hole A satirical take on the way Trump handles PR crises in the style of Machiavelli’s
British politics International Relations Religion and Politics UncategorizedBritish Values, Islam, East Anglia: Some findings and an invitation Oct 16, 2017 AdminComment on British Values, Islam, East Anglia: Some findings and an invitation Watch a trailer for, and find out about, UEA’s AHRC-funded project on British [Muslim] Values.
Austerity Politics Expert Political Analysis UncategorizedWhy the idea of ‘generation’ needs to be articulated more carefully in politics Oct 13, 2017 AdminComment on Why the idea of ‘generation’ needs to be articulated more carefully in politics Ben Little and Alison Winch explain the different meanings of generation in political culture and
Critical Global Politics Europe & the EU UncategorizedStrengthening Migrant Rights in Post-Brexit Britain Oct 13, 2017 AdminComment on Strengthening Migrant Rights in Post-Brexit Britain Post financial crisis, the most persistent scapegoats for many parts of society has been migrants
Identity politics Studying at UEA The Partisan ViewWhy do we want independence? A Catalan UEA student explains Oct 8, 2017 Editor2 Comments on Why do we want independence? A Catalan UEA student explains Following the attempts of the Spanish government to prevent an independence referendum, one of our
Austerity Politics British politics Expert Political Analysis Political LeadersJeremy Corbyn’s route to Number 10: a few hurdles that need clearing Sep 25, 2017 EditorComment on Jeremy Corbyn’s route to Number 10: a few hurdles that need clearing As the Labour Party Conference takes place this week, Toby James considers whether Jeremy Cobyn
Europe & the EU Public Policy and AdministrationEU referendum: one year on – the member states Jul 3, 2017 AdminComment on EU referendum: one year on – the member states How is Brexit seen in other national capitals a year after the referendum? UEA’s Hussein
British politics Elections Expert Political AnalysisMinority report – Single party minority governments are pretty common and reasonably durable Jun 20, 2017 AdminComment on Minority report – Single party minority governments are pretty common and reasonably durable A government without a majority in the legislature is exceptionally rare, right? Dr. Chris Hanretty