Devolution to the East? The Partisan ViewGeorge Nobbs: The government’s proposals for devolution are devised to fend off any real transfer of powers Dec 17, 2014 EditorComment on George Nobbs: The government’s proposals for devolution are devised to fend off any real transfer of powers George Nobbs, the Leader of Norfolk County Council, argues that devolution is needed that the current government’s
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Expert Political Analysis UKIPWhy UKIP should be allowed to speak at universites Dec 4, 2014 Editor3 Comments on Why UKIP should be allowed to speak at universites Dr. Michael Skey argues that UKIP, and other political parties, should be allowed to speak at university
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Devolution to the East? Scottish Independence Referendum The Partisan ViewThe West Lothian question? Or the Westminster question? An initial Green response to the Smith Commission Nov 27, 2014 Editor1 Comment on The West Lothian question? Or the Westminster question? An initial Green response to the Smith Commission Dr. Rupert Read reflects on the consequences of the Smith Commission for UK democracy and argues
Expert Political Analysis International Relations TerrorismCounter-terrorism awareness campaigns: It’s Probably Nothing, But… Public participation and Counter-terrorism? Nov 27, 2014 EditorComment on Counter-terrorism awareness campaigns: It’s Probably Nothing, But… Public participation and Counter-terrorism? Dr. Lee Jarvis and Dr. Michael Lister asks what the launch a national counter terrorism awareness
Cultural Politics and Media Expert Political Analysis International RelationsWhy boundaries matter in an age of globalisation Nov 26, 2014 EditorComment on Why boundaries matter in an age of globalisation If boundaries no longer matter in age of globalisation, then why are so many people