Expert Political Analysis Music & PoliticsLong before Trump rolled in the deep, music and politics were entwined Sep 13, 2016 EditorComment on Long before Trump rolled in the deep, music and politics were entwined Take three apparently trivial events: Ukraine wins the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, a rock star
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EU Referendum Expert Political AnalysisThe EU referendum: what to expect on the night Jun 9, 2016 EditorComment on The EU referendum: what to expect on the night The EU referendum is a once-in-a-generation event- which means we have few guides for what
EU Referendum Expert Political AnalysisWe must localise the EU and curb corporate power- but does that mean in or out? Jun 7, 2016 EditorComment on We must localise the EU and curb corporate power- but does that mean in or out? The EU referendum debate is taking place between different wings of the corporate elite, dominated
EU Referendum The Partisan View#VoteNeither: How you can help BOTH sides to lose this pointless referendum… Jun 3, 2016 EditorComment on #VoteNeither: How you can help BOTH sides to lose this pointless referendum… The upcoming European Union referendum gives us the choice of clinging on to an increasingly
International Relations Studying at UEA TerrorismMy experience of the MA International Security course at UEA May 23, 2016 EditorComment on My experience of the MA International Security course at UEA Haylie Pallister reflects on her time as a postgraduate student reading for an MA in
Elections Studying at UEAWhy increasing the powers of the Electoral Commission can reinvigorate British Democracy May 23, 2016 Editor1 Comment on Why increasing the powers of the Electoral Commission can reinvigorate British Democracy As the Conservative Party’s election expenses are subject to much public criticism, UEA Student Will