Europe & the EU Public Policy and AdministrationEU referendum: one year on – the member states Jul 3, 2017 AdminComment on EU referendum: one year on – the member states How is Brexit seen in other national capitals a year after the referendum? UEA’s Hussein
EU Referendum Europe & the EU The Partisan View‘Craven’ Labour has given Tories free ride over Brexit Mar 8, 2017 EditorComment on ‘Craven’ Labour has given Tories free ride over Brexit Charles Clarke argues that ‘Craven’ Labour has given Tories free ride over Brexit Labour’s confusion
EU Referendum Europe & the EU Expert Political AnalysisUEA experts react to the EU Referendum result Jun 23, 2016 Editor3 Comments on UEA experts react to the EU Referendum result Staff from UEA react to the result of the EU Referendum based on their expertise.
EU Referendum Europe & the EU Expert Political AnalysisIntroducing Cameron’s EU red card will have limited impact Feb 26, 2016 EditorComment on Introducing Cameron’s EU red card will have limited impact The UK government’s proposal for a “red card procedure” for national parliaments to stop EU
Europe & the EU Expert Political AnalysisLatin America’s Roma Feb 23, 2016 EditorComment on Latin America’s Roma Gypsy, Roma and Traveller populations are widely unacknowledged in national histories, except when they are
Austerity Politics Europe & the EU The Partisan ViewHas the EU failed us, or have we failed to forge a European identity? Feb 22, 2016 EditorComment on Has the EU failed us, or have we failed to forge a European identity? Has the EU failed us, or have we failed to forge a European identity, asks
EU Referendum Europe & the EUThe EU Referendum on Eastminster Feb 12, 2016 EditorComment on The EU Referendum on Eastminster The UK will hold a referendum on whether to leave the EU on 23 June.
EU Referendum Europe & the EU Public LecturesLord Lawson keynote speech at UK in a Changing Europe event Feb 12, 2016 EditorComment on Lord Lawson keynote speech at UK in a Changing Europe event The UK’s influence over the European Union was a theme of a major conference at
EU Referendum Europe & the EU Expert Political Analysis Public Lectures Public Policy and AdministrationThe UK and the EU: ask the experts Feb 5, 2016 EditorComment on The UK and the EU: ask the experts UEA hosted an event where the public could ask the expert in Norwich in February
Europe & the EU Public Policy The Partisan ViewTTIP approved? Greek democracy eviscerated? Something is rotten in the state of Europe Jul 14, 2015 EditorComment on TTIP approved? Greek democracy eviscerated? Something is rotten in the state of Europe Rupert Read joins Baronness Jenny Jones to ask whether ‘progressives’ can really continue to take