British politicsFour major challenges facing Britain’s education system after the pandemic Jul 19, 2022 EditorComment on Four major challenges facing Britain’s education system after the pandemic Helena Gillespie Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion and Professor of Learning and Teaching
British politics Cultural Politics and Media Expert Political Analysis MediaDenis Thatcher’s guest list: a surprising study in politics and popular culture Jul 25, 2018 EditorComment on Denis Thatcher’s guest list: a surprising study in politics and popular culture Margaret Thatcher’s archives have proved to be a surprising source of insight into the relationship
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British politics Religion and Politics UncategorizedWhat British Muslims think about the term ‘British values’ Oct 30, 2017 Admin1 Comment on What British Muslims think about the term ‘British values’ Researchers at UEA investigate what ‘British values’ means to Muslims living in the region. Channel
British politics International Relations Religion and Politics UncategorizedBritish Values, Islam, East Anglia: Some findings and an invitation Oct 16, 2017 AdminComment on British Values, Islam, East Anglia: Some findings and an invitation Watch a trailer for, and find out about, UEA’s AHRC-funded project on British [Muslim] Values.
Austerity Politics British politics Expert Political Analysis Political LeadersJeremy Corbyn’s route to Number 10: a few hurdles that need clearing Sep 25, 2017 EditorComment on Jeremy Corbyn’s route to Number 10: a few hurdles that need clearing As the Labour Party Conference takes place this week, Toby James considers whether Jeremy Cobyn
British politics Elections Expert Political AnalysisMinority report – Single party minority governments are pretty common and reasonably durable Jun 20, 2017 AdminComment on Minority report – Single party minority governments are pretty common and reasonably durable A government without a majority in the legislature is exceptionally rare, right? Dr. Chris Hanretty