The UK’s influence over the European Union was a theme of a major conference at King’s College London on 12 January 2016, organised by UEA Professor Hussein Kassim with Professor Simon Hix, LSE. Both are ESRC Fellows.
Panelists, John Charmley (UEA), Piers Ludlow (LSE) and Sir Stephen Wall, prompted by Anne McElvoy (The Economist), debated the terms on which the UK entered the then European Community. Catherine Barnard (Cambridge), Angus Armstrong (NIESR) and ESRC Fellow, and Oliver Lewis (Vote Leave), with Allie Renison, (Institute of Directors), addressed the single market and its impact, Charles Grant (Centre for European Reform), Patrick Minford (Cardiff Business School), and Richard Whitman (Kent and ESRC Fellow), in a session chaired by Nina Schick (Open Europe), clashed on whether membership of the EU strengthened or weakened the UK in global terms, and Steve Peers (Essex) and Stephen Booth (Open Europe), reflected on the extent to which the UK has lost control of its borders. Kassim, Hix and Sara Hagemann, LSE and ESRC Fellow examined UK influence in EU institutions.
In his keynote address, Lord Lawson, Conservatives for Britain.
Professor Hussein Kassim spoke about the UK’s influence within the European Commission, based on his own research. Watch this below.