Natalie Bennett, was the guest first speaker in a new UEA series: in Conversation with Charles Clarke , which took place on 15th January 2015.
Natalie Bennett is the Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, a post to which she was elected in September 2012. She founded the Green Party Women’s Group and is a trustee of the Fawcett Society, Britain’s pre-eminent women’s issues group.
Before entering the Green Party Leadership election she won, Natalie was editor of Guardian Weekly from December 2007 – March 2012, and had previously worked as a reporter for the Independent, the Telegraph, and the Times of London, as well as chief foreign sub-editor of the Bangkok Post.
She has an academic background in agricultural science, and has worked as a UN consultant on women’s and children’s rights. www.nataliebennett.co.uk/
Excellent evening. Lovely to hear the Green Party is actively promoting a Citizens’ Income (basic Income), although you do need to separate issues that relate to poverty and malnutrition from gm, especially where Golden Rice bridges the gap between the unequal world as it is, and the shared world as it could be. Great evening, and good luck with ofcom